June 5, 2013


I don't think any one necessarily admits this at all but finding a guy who actually notices you and you wanting to notice them back is one hell of a challenge. Of course there is one or two people who fancy you, but then the question is would you even consider liking them back and usually that answer is hell no. And to be honest usually the people liking you are out of your league. This tends to lower my self confidence because I'd like to think that I deserve better than them. I just tend to think about celebrities and stalking them endlessly acting as if we're meant to be instead of actually going out in the real world, because I feel finding that one guy is hopeless. And if you might see a slight chance with someone obviously you were mistaking. Where I live it might just be me... but in Munich the chance of finding a decent guy is unlikely because in my opinion most of the guys are either complete ego maniacs, or endless douches who talk think and dress the same so yay for me. I know I am not the only one who thinks this. And it tends to get worse when you watch all these stupid romances because you will always be expecting that one perfect guy but I think you just have to realize that is not going to happen. Boys also tend to be extremely shy and you'D think that they would take responsibility and take action but in the end the fire between you has ended or you will have to be the one literally acting like a fool to get them to notice you. This whole thing with boys is extremely depressing so I think I will just go back to fantasizing about Cara ;) and Johnny Depp. 

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